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What Happens at Night Customer Reviews
:- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Moody, Maine -- Why hasn't the New York Times reviewed this book? : I had the pleasure of attending a reading of Peter Cameron's novel, ANDORRA, at a small gay bookstore in Boston years ago, which, if my memory is correct, was the feature book on the cover of the Sunday New York Times Book Review a week or so before the reading. I remember someone asked why there weren't many gay characters in ANDORRA, and he replied that it wasn't his choice, as the characters were in control of the story and who they associated with -- my apologies to Cameron if this isn't a fair recollection of his response. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from J Lee -- Unique and Beautiful New Novel by Peter Cameron : I loved this book. It was immediately engrossing and so vivid — almost like reading a great film. The writing is spare and elegant and the story unfolds within a mood of sustained tension. This novel took me away from real life, transported me to a mysterious world, and left me thinking about the characters long after I finished the last chapter. Highly recommended! I recommend Cameron’s other books as well: they are varied but all compelling and full of life. ( Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Eclectic Reader -- “You Shouldn’t Do Anything Out of a Fear of Being Alone” : Readers who open the cover of Peter Cameron’s latest novel, WHAT HAPPENS AT NIGHT (2020; 320 pp.) and begin reading most likely, already too absorbed by what they are reading, will not hear the creaking of the door closing behind them as they enter a surreal, nightmarish world filled with shadows, an incredible setting, and amazingly unique characters. A husband and his wife (they are never named) travel for days to “a place at the edge of the world, in the far north,” Furuhjalli, to stay at the once grand, now mostly dilapidated Borgarfjaroasysla Grand Imperial Hotel. They are in the town to adopt a baby—at St. Barnabas, the only orphanage to willing entrust the couple with a baby because the woman is suffering stage four cancer and is dying. From the moment they step off the train, their lives begin to change forever. ( Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Roger B. Mead -- Extraordinary : Captures and propels the reader through a mesmerizing adventure, surreal but oh so real, that will haunt you for days after you come to the end. ( Reviewed in the United States on August 6, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Patrick O'Brien -- Wonderful novel : This is a wonderfully plotted and written novel. Main characters are an anonymous "the man" and "the woman" in an anonymous, very remote northern place not unlike somewhere in Finland. The writing is splendid, as with the other Cameron novels I've read. The plot is at times mesmerizing and the characters, in a slightly surreal way, are very engaging. Unlike Kafka's novels, Cameron's novel does not necessarily lead to profound thoughts about good, evil and the fate of man but it does, as do the other novels of his I've read, leave you with a a deepened sense of our common humanity and a sense of our possibilities for simple goodness (and good humor) in a world of daily struggle and sadness. Also, it's extremely entertaining!!! ( Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2021 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Rochester Richie -- Gripping, atmospheric, funny, creepy : Not quite a new classic, but this book has me now looking for everything the author previously published. It starts out a bit like Bergman's THE SILENCE but then goes in its own, interesting directions. What it says about a man's life's journey seems a bit allegorical, but of what? The fact that you can't quite put your finger on what the author is trying to say, is actually part of its fascination. I read it quickly and with great pleasure. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021 )
- 3.0 out of 5 stars from Mosel -- A very interesting book : I loved the idea behind this book, but never got absorbed by it. When I read I "go into a book" but that did not happen with this one. I was always a very distant onlooker. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 8, 2021 )
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